
The Nodes will be key components of the research infrastructure as centers of recognized thematic expertise entrusted with the task of developing, implementing and maintaining the quality of the DANUBIUS Commons in their areas of expertise. In the current configuration, Nodes are planned to cover Observation, Analysis, Modelling and Impact. Nodes will provide facilities and services, data storage and provision, experimental and in situ measurements facilities, state-of-the-art analytical capabilities and implementation of standardized procedures to users and quality control. They will provide interfaces with regional and local stakeholders, enhancing knowledge exchange and innovation. The four initial Nodes will have Leading Laboratories in the UK (Observation Node), Germany (Analysis Node), Italy (Modelling Node) and The Netherlands (Impact Node).

Observation Node

The Leading Laboratories for the Observation Node will be in the UK: Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and the University of Stirling (USTIR). PML will lead on operational data processing and USTIR on calibration, validation and training. The two laboratories will work together on research issues.
The Node will ensure that data are acquired and integrated from in situ sensor networks and satellites, processed and distributed. It will develop, and provide access to, state of the art analytical research facilities for bio-optics and remote sensing research. ​It will be responsible for standardization of procedures, including of instrumented buoys and sampling across supersites.

Analysis Node

The Leading Laboratory for the Analysis Node will be Technical University Dresden, Germany. The role of this Node is to ensure consistency and reliability in analytical techniques to enable a common evaluation and effective comparison between research groups operating within and between Supersites, and other observation and experimental sites. It will provide access to state-of- the-art scientific expertise, laboratories, instrumentation and methodologies to identify anthropogenic impacts and their processes and interactions. This includes analytical capability across disciplines in geology, hydrology hydro morphology, chemistry, biology, ecotoxicology and hygiene.

Modelling Node

The Leading Laboratory for the Modelling Node will be the CNR Institute for Marine Science (ISMAR) in Italy.
Numerical modelling tools are pre-requisites for delivering well-informed management information in RS systems. Modelling is one of the major services provided by DANUBIUS-RI, drawing on the inputs in particular from the Nodes and Supersites. This Node will integrate data collected from Supersites, and other observation and experimental sites, in models that simulate specific processes, interpolate between available measurements and carry out forecasts and ‘what if?’ predictions. It will provide a technological advanced platform for modelling services, in terms of software and shared data.

Impact Node

The Leading Laboratory for the Impact Node will be Deltares in the Netherlands.
It will integrate technical knowledge on RS systems (including water, subsurface and infrastructure) with governance and policy-making for problem-solving. It will develop and test concepts, methods and instruments. Methods and instruments may be focused, for example, on accelerating design and decision making (e.g. by using a decision theatre), improving quality and decreasing the costs of spatial planning in RS systems. Methods and instruments may also focus on how to better cope with uncertainties in decision making processes, how to involve stakeholders (e.g. in knowledge co-creation), and on spanning the boundaries between the different science disciplines involved in DANUBIUS-RI (e.g. by the development of a common language).