Water Quantity

Understand and quantify water stores and flows across River-Sea continua for sustainable water resource management and mitigate against extreme events.

Sediment Balance

Understand and quantify sediment dynamics in source-to-sink systems, to support sustainable sediment management.

Nutrients and Pollutants

Understand and quantify the independent and combined effects of nutrients and pollutants (in both water and sediments) at River-Sea System scales, to establish the critical thresholds needed for tracking progress towards good status.

Climate Change

Support data collection and the development of innovative methods/tools to assess the ongoing impacts of Climate Change, and improve adaptation measures within and across River-Sea Systems.

Extreme Events

Understand and quantify extreme event occurrence and impact severity on River-Sea Systems, for floods and droughts, to support cost-effective nature-based solution development, disaster mitigation, and management.

Protecting and Restoring Ecosystems and Biodiversit

Understand and quantify how changing River-Sea Systems affect future ecosystem service provision, and their sustainability.

Understand the relationship between biodiversity and connectivity across River-Sea Systems and its response to multiple stressors.

Digital twin

Co-design, co-develop and build elements of high resolution, multi-dimensional digital representations of River-Sea Systems, that stakeholders need from the Europe’s Digital Twin endeavors.